martes, 4 de junio de 2013


The Amazon region has six provinces it includes the provinces of Orellana, Pastaza, Napo, Sucumbíos, Morona Santiago, and Zamora Chinchipe with an exuberant vegetation and typical of humid- tropical forests

The Amazon region offers easy access to the magical rainforests full of plants exotic and wildlife. 

You can enjoy of following tourism activities as: fast descents, sailing canoes, bird watching and views to the aldeas of local indigenous people 

Also the tourists can enjoy community tourism that some communities offer.

The climate in the Ecuadorian Amazon is hot and humid tropical. 


·         The Cuyabeno Wildlife Reserve
·         Podocarpus National Park
·         Añango Lagoon
·         Iripari Zancudo Cocha
·         Aguarico Basin
·         Waorani: the sons of the jaguar
·         The market for hybrid culture
·         Yasuní
·         Sangay National Park
·         Collanes Valley
·         The colcán The Altar

• Hiking in the jungle
• Kayaking
• Rapid River descent

The most attractive places in the Amazon region of Ecuador are in tropical rainforests.

You can see exotic paradises with great diversity of species in the region are more of a variety of birds, monkeys, crocodiles, piranhas and tarantulas.

In the Amazon Region you can practice popular activities extreme sports as:

·         Walking tours

·         Kayaking with local guides

·         Learning about plants that cure different diseases,

·         Watching variety the animals, butterflies, birds, waterfalls and quiet lakes in the jungle.

   The Ecuadorian Amazon has Yasuní National Park the largest in the country, and is also considered the most diverse forest area in the world.

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