martes, 4 de junio de 2013


Lago Agrío city has great natural diversity from the Cuyabeno excursions to trips by the Aguarico River

In Lago Agrío city the local people work on improving day with day the hotel infrastructure to Provide best service and facilities to the tourists. 

Aguarico Kichwa.
Ethnicity NAFC.
Laguna de Lago Agrio lake has landscape that provides the lake the visitor is unique, elements like flora and fauna converges, to give an environment and wild landscape.
Middle of the World. - The Middle of the World was built in October 1989, by the company, Petroproduction


Chicha Chonta: Cooking chontas in abundant, then drain and let cool. Remove seeds and grind chonta. 

Guanta: Before of prepare the guanta with vinegar for two hours. Make a rehash in the oil, seasonings, onion. Then   incorporate the meat with the marinade, mix well and simmer until soft.
Fish Stew:  Put oil to heat in a skillet, and then releasing the fish in boiling oil until golden. Serve with salad, rice and potatoes.


The activities that offer the Lago Agrio city are: 

Also you can practice different adventure sports such as canoeing and rafting, jungle trekking and expeditions, bird watching and hiking watching wildlife and also the tourist can be a part of programs of community-based ecotourism.

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